Buenos Aires Jaque Press, en inglés y español

Dreams are the stuff life is made of, they say...

 1) Being born or being eaten

In a flash our dreamer is being eaten by two gigantic pythons, each having gobbled up half of the dreamer’s body: one has the head in its mouth, the other has gobbled up to the...sexual organs. It is a very exotic feeling, being swallowed up. So the dreamer wakes up excited, not knowing whether it was a nightmare or something pleasure provoking.


2)) A strange war

A war is about to break out and the dreamer is traveling as foreign correspondent on a train carrying soldiers from North Korea  and the United States. He steps into the part of the train filled with the soldiers from North Korea. They look like Olympic gymnasts but their rifles are like those used during the Second World ar. The dreamer is the only bluish-green eyed man on the train, so the soldiers look at him with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. One asks where the stranger going. He replies he’s looking for the bathroom. It is a bit primitive, just a hole, and he doesn’t aim very well, wetting part of his skirt (yes, a skirt instead of pants). Then he gets off the train and walks behind a line-up of U.S. soldiers, very young and eager-beaver, with the most incredible weapons, computer like sights and so forth. The war is supposed to start any minute but the dreamer is hungry, so goes to a nearby stand and buys a sandwich--meat with mustard and almost half his height. There he is munching on the sandwich when the sound of war breaks out. The North Korean soldier appears out of nowhere and embraces the correspondent before running off. How strange, the dreamer thinks: men are the only animals that go to war.

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