Buenos Aires Jaque Press, en inglés y español

Demonstration class of theater in English March 31st at the Faro theater


Men and women have been acting, role-playing and telling stories since the dawn of history. Today actors and story tellers (also teachers) use a wide variety of techniques to embellish the stories they tell or act out. The performer needs to polish skills related to breathing, use of the voice, mind, memory, emotions, gestures, body expression, movement, concentration, imagination, projection; performers should be good observers, cultivate an inquisitive spirit; they should develop  open-mindedness, self-critical attitudes, flexibility and willingness to recognize the inevitable errors which pop up in the give and take of human relationships.

Actors need to get to know their own potential, develop the tone and timber of their voices, explore the secrets of their bodies, minds, emotions and memories; practice the possibilities of movement, energy, rhythm, pause, projection, stage presence and delve into the past, the present and the essence of the human condition.

         Theater, a tool for many professions

 Acting techniques are not just used by stage artists. They may be employed in teaching, to enhance the growth of children, to entertain and stimulate retired people, to comfort and stimulate the healing of patients in hospitals, in the education of the handicapped; likewise acting techniques may be of great use to psychoanalysts, sales persons, journalists, and language teachers.

Theatrical training gives the teacher stage presence and enables her to build her self confidence and transmit empathy. Techniques such as role-playing allow students to discover the dynamics of discourse; dramatic games and improvisation greatly enhance fluency and the ability of the speaker to modify his or her behavior and adapt rapidly to varying circumstances. Stress on breathing and diction facilitate the development of refined speech. Lastly, but not of least importance, the need to “think in the shoes of the character” demands the use of logic and also enables the actor to better understand the social, economic, cultural and religious factors which influence the life of his or her characters.

                  To play, that is the question

 The English language still refers to “play” and to “player” when mentioning the theatrical act; play is the essence of acting. As in all other games, theatre is played according to rules. But players are also allowed to “break the rules,” as long as they realize and assume the consequences of their acts. Furthermore, the game can be played in many different ways; there are diverse schools and acting tendencies but what all of them seek is transcendence.

The actor must ask and resolve fundamental questions such as: who am I? Where am I going? Where have I come from? What is my objective? What is my point of reference? To whom is my action directed? How can I do this?

In this workshop we will delve into some of the mysteries of acting. No previous experience is required, although we do insist that participants have at least an intermediate level of spoken English. Each class will include work on breathing and the voice, physical limbering up, dramatic games, the invention and telling of stories, improvisation and role-play. Later on we will begin to work on short plays or stories. Towards the end of the year we will organize a show based on what we have worked on during the year. Students are encouraged to suggest ideas—stories or short plays—which they would like to work on.


Time and place: We will meet here at the Faro theater: 2151 Moreno street 2ºB every Saturday from 12 noon to 2:45pm.

We ask students to arrive as promptly as possible and to advise the coach at 4342 3588 or 1562521028 email: concerning absences or other difficulties. Workshop participants should come with relaxed clothing, gym or other light wear.
























1 comentario

Lorena -

Hola, quería contarles que viene Susan Egan a Buenos Aires! (de Broadway, La Bella y la Bestia, Cabaret, y muchas mas). Es un lujo tenerla, viene solo por un día, el 1ro de Mayo, al Astral)

tambien hay una Master Class para los estudiantes, pero no se si la venden ahí.
las entradas las venden en creo que hay que darle difusión porque es una oportunidad imperdible para los que nos gustan los musicales!
más info en
gracias por compartir.
saludos, Lore