Buenos Aires Jaque Press, en inglés y español

Lack of Sewage Facilities

  Welll....if the topic of environment comes up, polution, contamination, ecological disasters, you might grab this bit of information that appeared June 24, 2006 in the Buenos Aires daily "Clarín:"

Six million persons in the Greater Buenos Aires area lack sewage facilities.  
If you translate that into percentages, 60% of the surburban population lack adequate sewage...and that is among the numerous causes--together with chemicals and factory wastes of all kinds--for the unprecedented contamination of the Riachuelo and Matanza rivers.  
The lack of sewage systems also favors the persistence of infectious diseases. When there are floods in the area the untreated waste material is propagated to surrounding areas or sinks to underground water pools.  
No wonder even the Argentine Supreme Court is urging authorities to do what politicians have long promised but never lifted a finger to do: clean up the Riachuelo.

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