Now is the time to snuggle up to Jupiter

Let’s face it. The moon has lost its once glorious romantic appeal. When was the last time you took your babie on an evening stroll to gaze in sheer admiration at the silvery whiteness of that suspended globe? Forget it! At least for this evening.
It’s time to try your luck with Jupiter. Well, not as cool as the moon, a bit more machista, in fact, at least in popular mythology, but think of this: if you are an Argentine, you’ll have a unique chance to contemplate him (her?) ’cause only some 623 million kilometres will separate her (him?) from your terrance.
You might take her (his) arm at around 6 p.m. and say: "Darling, this is going to be a very special evening."
He (she) Really?
He (she) Yea...come, let’s go the, well, I mean, to the terrance...
He(she) (to him/herself) If this is a marriage proposal...gazing at the moon...?!?
He(she) Look towards the heavens.
He(she) My God! Oh darling! (to her/himself) What has come over hims/her? Moon struck?
He(she) It’s Jupiter! Can you see it?
He(she) Oh yes! What a gas!
He(she) Exactly, helium, I think, mostly, it’s very light, like you, and bright, like your loving eyes that kill me!
He(she) Oh darling! You are a genius!
So, a few hours later, after having practiced kissing and hugging and petting and, maybe, even love-making, under the astute eyes of the planet, there is a sudden pause, a moment of profound silence. It must be 9 p.m. by now, when Jupiter is most visible.
He(she) You are my everything.
He(she) Am I really? Oh, darling, you are my Jupiter!
At that point both have forgotten about the moon, and the concern about marriage has probably been put off for a more appropriate moment.
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