"Intruders," a Benjamin Kunkel play with Spanish subtitles at La Tertulia theater in Buenos Aires

In a clearly meditative mood, the half dressed playwright goes about removing the plastic sheets that cover the furniture. A subtle enemy confronts him: bugs, flies, vermin that seem to subvert his inspiration. There are other points of conflict, his relationship with his six months pregnant wife, his own doubts and confusions, an impetuous young interviewer who manages to incite his creative ego and blast holes in his fragile veneer of affective congruity.
“Intruders” is a unique adaptation of Benjamin Kunkel’s dramatic comedy, translated by a multicultural group and presented in English with Spanish subtitles at the La Tertulia theater in Buenos Aires under the direction of Lian Walden.
“I’ve never been in a play before,” complains the playwright. In fact, subtle changes in the point of reference weave diverse lines of contact: the pestering bugs, the affective difficulties of the couples and the direct appeal to the audience—breaking the fourth wall that traditionally separates the actors from the spectators.
There is an underlying sense of disaster, ecological and financial collapse, the threat of rupture ebbing and flowing in the playwright’s relationship with his wife; yet the leit motif is the relationship between the creative act and a the feeling that the world is crumbling, taking with it the misadventures of love and day to day existence.
“Theater reminds us that real life cannot be put on stage,” says the protagonist. Yet the play is very “realistic” in its reliance on a well written text, characteristic of conventional North American stage plays. Actions and stage movements complement the word but do not constitute alternative expressive modes, as in the case of more avant guard tendencies.
Walden succeeds in producing intrigue and suspense, colored with subtle irony. The cast exhibits great command of language and refined acting technique. The simultaneous subtitles are clearly visible for those whose command of English is limited.
Sábados 20.30hs
Teatro La Tertulia (Gallo 826 - Capital Federal)
Entradas: $60 / $50 (estudiantes y jubilados)
Reservas: 6327 0303 / 15 5403 8120 / intruderstheplay@gmail.com
Duración: 80 minutos Subtítulos en español.
David Maler / Lian Walden / Marina Artigas / Francisco Ortiz / Luisina Quarleri
Lian Walden
Producción Mariel Benarós & Douglas Choi
Vestuario Sophie Lloyd
Escenografía Mariela Solaris
Fotos Patricio Guillamón
Diseño gráfico Alex Plonski
Asistente de producción Andrés Steyerthal
Marketing online Karri Korppi
Diseño de iluminación Aliberto Sagretti
Diseño de sonido Matt Cherchio
Revisión de traducción Sofia Medici
Asistentes de dirección Carmen Campanario & Jonas Jacobs
Prensa y publicidad Sophie Lloyd (slloydster@gmail.com)
Prensa local y difusión Santiago Legón (santilegon@hotmail.com)
Sobre el autor: Benjamin Kunkel es editor fundador de la revista literaria n+1 y escribe regularmente para The New York Times, The New Yorker, y The London Review of Books. Además es autor de la premiada novela Indecision, catalogada como libro notable del año por The New York Times.
Sobre la directora: Lian Walden es egresada de la Universidad de Yale donde recibió un título doble en dirección teatral y ciencias políticas. Como artista se encuentra abocada al trabajo de construir una intersección entre ambas disciplinas. Ha recibido becas en arte para realizar proyectos en Israel, España, Ghana, Estados Unidos y Argentina.
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