"The Telltale Heart," Poe's story to be staged July 7th at the Faro theater in Buenos Aires

A theatrical version of Edgar A. Poe’s "The Telltale Heart," acted and directed by Alfred Hopkins, will be staged Saturday July 7th, with the improvisation of musician Claudio Sánchez and painter Gabriela Fernández. The story is about a man who cannot stand the expression in the eye of his companion, so he decides to kill him; he says he loves him but just can’t stand the look in his eye. That leads to a consideration concerning what is behind the way we look at each other.
"The Telltale Heart," July 7th at 9:30pm.
Faro theater, 2151 Moreno street 2-B.
Tickets: $30 pesos. Booking 2051-1379.
Those interested in theatre might want to try a workshop at the Faro theater, Saturdays at 12:3opm. Information: 4342 3588 hopalfred@gmail.com
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Cristina -