"The theatre game," demonstration classes with short plays at the Faro theatre

The Faro theatre announces "The theatre game," two demonstration classes of theatre in English, including four short plays at 8pm Sunday December 2nd, and Saturday December 15th, at Moreno 2151 2-B, Buenos Aires City.
The program includes a free version of Dahl’s "A lamb to slaughter;" "The dark room," an adapted version of the Tennessee Williams play; "The wedding," an improvisation, and "The lover," an adapted version of Herald Pinter’s play.
There will also be games and improvisations with audience participation.
The event is open to the general public and represents the work done during the year by the participants in the Hopkins Theatre Workshop, which operates at the Faro theatre.
During the summer the workshop will carry out a series of encounters improvising songs. The idea is to work on the characters and plots which appear in popular songs and then improvise and create dramatic structures based on the lyrics.
For more information on the demonstration classes and the summer activities, those interested should consult:
hopalfred@gmail.com or facebook: Alfred’s wonderland theatre workshop.
Phone: 4342 3588 or 1562521028.
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