Un museo de arte ruso en Clinton, Massachusetts...

"Where am I," you exclaim in perfect English, remembering the phrase 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do." Pero no son romanos! Es un museo ruso. The Museum of Russian Icons.
"Is the museum open?"
"As open as the door."
"Oh...is there a charge?"
"Not if you're over 60."
"What do I look like?"
"O.K. Go ahead."
The big cheese is over there explaining to some very decent looking ladies how he travelled around the world on a bike, but missed Russia. So he went back, fell in love with icon made by religious craftsmen back in the 14th, 15th and 15th centuries. So why not set up a musuem?
And you stare at this image, fascinated, thinking about the hands of the artist, what motivated him, and wonder how the icon seems to be saying: "time is but a fiction. Come join me on a flight to eternal nothingness!"
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