"Honey, I wanna get married in a big white car and whizz along at pretty close to the speed limit"

She wasn't used to driving around in circles, so that evening, just after he flashed the diamond ring before her dancing blue-green eyes, she whispered into his ear:
"Honey, I wanna get married in a big white car and whizz along at pretty close to the speed limit."
"You're talking to the man who'll make your dreams come true."
And sure enough, the groom drove to the wedding ceremony in the longest vehicle you could imagine, a bit like a shimmery white worm but equiped with everything inside to make any bride drool.
The idea was to break a bit with convention, so they drove the machine from the snow banks of Vermont to the endless white sands of Death Valley. That's where they made love for the first time: surrounded by complete white silence.
"Will you always love me this way?" she whimpered after their bodies surrendered from eternal but too short-lived ecstasy.
"I guess so," was his laconic reply.
"You guess so! That's all you can say! You've deceived me. You've lied! You've cheated. You've led me into a dark tunnel..."
And she jumped into the driver's seat and shot the vehicle into such savage motion that it took off, a rocket launched into outer space...and that, my friends, was the last anyone heard of that dear couple. So you see what promises of eternal love can do.
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