Nature, beauty in form and content, loved and abused by consumer society's obsession with production at any cost...

There still are poets who see in nature a beauty, a struggle and a synthesis. They lift their pens in vain as the smoke stacks spit out fumes and cover leaves and flowers and walls and buildings and the air with life killing particles. Nature still sings in concert with the seasons and the tide and the cycles of the moon and the budding of flowers and the birth of new life and the eternal circuit of birth, growth, death and renewal. Produce! Produce! Produce! The bespeckled economists bend over computers in offices and invent theories to justify their generous salaries. Produce, invent new gadgets, convince people to buy more things, things, things...what is a person in this world of consumption but the things he possesses? And yet when swamped and exhausted, the consumper society chiefs go to the beach and play with the waves, or wonder at the bark of the sea lions or seek the ever vanishing nature reserves to renew their bodies and spirits with energy. They destroy and then wonder why the forests disappear, why the air is filled with noxious particles, why the fish float bloated and lifeless at the shores of lakes and rivers...
1 comentario
Maru del Campo -
What an interesting place you have here, I find your point of view realistic. We do many absurd things in this mundo al revés. Will mankind learn on time? Maybe nature will erase us, lethal predators.
Thanks for sharing.