The do's and the don'ts, lo que se debe hacer y lo que no hay que hacer nunca y punto

Es cierto. Hay menos violencia en las calles de Nueva York. Y...una lista larga de cosas que no se puede hacer, por ejemplo en una plaza:
1) No littering. Bien. No se debe dejar caer papeles. This is not Buenos Aires.
2) No barbecuing. Pues, Nueva York no es Argentina. Nada de asados. No "chorizo" sandwiches for employees on their lunch hour!
3) Don’t unleash dogs. Los perros siempre tienen que estar bajo control. No reason to worry about what soft undesireable stuff you might be stepping on!
4) No illegal drugs. Claro, nada de fumar ni olfatear drogas.
5) No excessive sounds (unless you ask for a permit). Nada de sonidos que pueden molestar. Pardon, but it isn't too clear exactly what sounds are prohibited.
6) Don’t feed the birds or squirrels. Nos se trata de Plaza de Mayo, donde uno da a comer a las palomas...In Buenos Aires they have gotten nice and fat, although feeding them has gotten a bit expensive because the corn is being sent to the U.S. to be turned into bio-fuel...
7) No panhandling or solicitation. Nada de actividades ilegales y punto. That's fine. Still panhandling can mean so many different things that, well...
8) Don’t enter after the gates are closed. No se puede entrar una vez que las puertas hayan sido cerradas. Pue logic.
9) No performances or rallys. No se puede actuar, cantar o bailar o organizar reuniones...What a shame. It looks like Buenos Aires is one of the few places left where actors and singers and dancers and painters can practice their art on streets and squares...
10) No commercial activity. No se puede vender nada, pues para eso Wall Sreet espera no lejos...To tell the truth, the Stock Market isn't doing too well lately but even so there should be no reason to fear competition...
11) No obstructing the entrances. No se debe obstruir las entradas. Clear as mud, Watson.
12) No rummaging in the trash. Claro como el agua. No se puede buscar comida o algo de valor en la basura. Nevertheless, you would be amazed at what you might find in the garbage bags in those garbage bags...
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