La Paz, a meeting place between the sun, the water and the stars

It's on the edges of the river, a place where the aire is still pure and fishermen cast their lines from row boats and...where you can spend the day at the salty thermal water complex and cure yourself of whatever ailes you.
"I come here every day," says a middle aged chubby lady, half German and half Guaraní.
"Yea. Look, I used to have so much atrosis in my fingers I could hardly bend them and now I can make a fist!" She seemed friendly enough, but indeed her fist was quite convincing... Saying that the lady pushed her floating body into the gurgling 37 centegrade water, that comes from nearly 2.000 meters beneath the surface and is rich in sulphur, calcium, magnesium, and other essential minerals, great for bone diseases, cramps, joints, respiratory difficulties, asma, and makes your skin shine as if it were new.
You can stay in the thermal complex of 12 pools all day, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., for just $4, and get some exotic back rubbing at the spa very moderate prices. There are some quaint nearby cabins or you can check into a handfull of hotels in the town of La Paz, just a bout a mile away.
La Paz is located in the Argentine province of Entre Ríos, about seven hours by bus from Buenos Aires. To contact the "Termas de La Paz" write info@termasdelapaz@com or check the web: http://www.termasdelapaz@com
Telephones: 03437 424646 / 424647
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