To be or not to be, ser o no ser, do it today o nunca, pero pensar se puede

To be or not to be, dice William Shakespeare, en realidad, Hamlet, when he is wondering what in the Hell to do, cuando se da cuenta que a lo mejor his uncle Claudio has killed his father, y de repente todas las opciones surgen en su cabeza, such as whether to take justice into his own hands, esperar el juicio del destino, avanzar, sleep, dream, invent a new reality, o simplemente poner todo el asunto en el disco duro de su laptop. We were told that in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attack todo sería diferente...¿es así? ¿O es una pesadilla? (For some, maybe, quite different for others). Free association cannot free us. Pero al menos nos puede llevar a otros planos, other points of reference. Perchance to dream, aye, there’s the rub for in the dream of death...¿qué sueños tendrémos? Words, words, words...palabras, palabras, where do they take us to? Luego, el principe instruye a los actores y dice: suite the word to the action, the action to the word... (By the way, thanks Carole Lombard and Jack Benny for the poster!)
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