Theater workshop to begin in Buenos Aires next January

Doing theater, playing, pretending you are the King of Denmark or a down-trodden office worker, screwing your face up, getting into the skin of the other guy, moving your body the way you never do in your placid every-day existence, using your voice to seduce a woman you will never fall in love with or lambast an unscrupulous boss...all is in the book when you enter the fascinating world of acting and storytelling. So...if you are in Buenos Aires sweating out January, why not give theater a chance?
The Hop-to-it Theater Lab announces a summer workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, starting January 3 at 2 p.m. The workshop is a wonderful opportunity to practice English while learning acting and storytelling. It builds self confidence, stimulates creativity and adds colour to language and body expression. No experience is necessary, although certainly welcome. Participants should have at least an intermediate command of English. There are no other requisites. Work will include diction and voice drills, games, improvisation, role play and the reading of short plays and stories.
For more information, interested persons should call 4342 3588 or write
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