I saw a man without a head today

I saw a man without a head today. Walking, talking, gambling, rushing, insulting, snearing, blubbering, seducing, running, telling lies just like you and the rest of us. His shoes were a size too big, his coat a sorry sight and his voice like that of a bat in heat. Looking at all the other headed beings scurring around me, I wondered just why the head is so valued these days.
"He seems to have lost his head," says a lady on the bus, hugging her bag to her breast as if it were her just born baby.
"What do you have a head on your shoulders for if you don't use it," retorts the angry man along side her, who might be her ex-husband.
So you see, when it comes to judgement day it really makes no difference at all whether you have a head or not. After all, you are judged by what you do, more than for what you think...aren't you? Anyway, on seeing the curious gentleman I began to ponder one and a million things.
What if we could not think? What if we just fell in love because. Just because. No thinkings. No hesitations. No yes and no. No wondering whether the other is the right one or not. What if we could find no reasons for hating a guy because of the color of his skin, the brand of his clothes, his wrinkles, the way she brushes her hair, the perfume she doesn't use, the way he carries his body, the badge that some religion or sect smeared on his consciousness?
What if we were to use only our arms and legs and breast and sexual organs and toes and bones and flesh and veins and arteries and hair to get across to the other guy? What if we were to speak with our bodies, hug each other for many long hours, do unending fasts and stroll down the streets of the cities as if time were eternal. It is, isn't it? It's just we headed creatures try to make it less than everlasting.
What if we were to make love day and night, without seeing or hearing each other, only able to perceive the warm flesh of our fellow human being, run our fingers over her silky flesh, feel the roundness of her curves, the tightness of his muscles, the jellowy flow of his plump body, thump our finger tips to the beating of the other's heart?
Oh yes, I saw a man without a head today and he spoke to me saying: follow me to the land of headlessness.
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