Comienza el jueves el ciclo de jazz en La Plata

If you are wandering around Argentina with your head still buzzing with jazz, unable to fully comprehend the essence of mate drinking, excited by Charlie García's rock, perplexed about the complexities of tango, if you are missing your girl back home, trying hard not to fall in love with a local queen, open minded enough to accept that jazz is blown out of mouths all over this globalized world, capable of producing the most wonderous sounds, you are a candidate for the La Plata city Jazz event that begins tomorrow at 8p.m. at the Auditorio Agremiación Médica Platense, calle 6 # 1118, between 55th and 56th streets, La Plata, Argentina, featuring:
The Patricio Carposi quinteto, jueves 13. The program continues on the 21st of August with the Martín Messineo Trio and concludes on the 27th with Ricardo Nolé's Septeto Templado. Should your curiosity demand more information, you might check the web site
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