Cartas de los lectores, sus opiniones, quejas...

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En este espacio Jaquematepress republicará cartas de los lectores enviadas a diversos medios de comunicación. Por motivos de espacio, la elección será necesariamente subjetiva. Asimismo, este blog recibirá con agrado las opiniones de sus propios lectores.
1. "Me entero por Página 12 de que Macri (el intendente de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) ejecutó sólo el 38% del Presupuesto de 2009 y de ese 38% el 80% fue en bacheo. ¿Cómo puede ser que pida un crédito para llegar a fin de año? Hay dos repuestas. O hicieron mal las cuentas al hacer el presupuesto o se robaron la plata. En el primer caso serían unos inútiles y en el segundo, unos corruptos. ¿No hay un órgano queaudite al jefe de Gobierno?" Juan Pedrop McLoughlin en Página 12, 2/10/09
2. "All the excited talk about bankers and bonuses seems to be missing the point. Reward should be for creating wealth. With banks, in the majority of cases it is simply a case of transferring wealth.
Unfortunately the UK has switched from a culture of long-term investment – which generally creates wealth – to the short term. Pension funds and Insurance companies had to concentrate on the long term, but with their loss of influence the power has shifted to hedge funds and others who concentrate on extracting value in the short.
This attitude was exemplified, pre crunch, by a fund which wanted to buy a UK manufacturer. They identified the success of the business as being its cutting-edge production, achieved through constant investment in new technology. They then stated that they would be able to extract value through stopping investment and taking those funds as profits. This was consciously a policy of destroying the essence and long term viability of the business in return for short-term gains.
Our society and culture need to find a way by which genuine wealth-creators are rewarded."
David Staveley, Walgrave, Northamptonshire, in The Independent, (British daily) Friday, Oct. 2, 2009
3. "I heard this morning that Barack Obama will have to take time out from strategizing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, supervising the Pentagon’s new Africa Command, propping up a murderous military coup in Honduras, reviving the Fourth Fleet to police a peaceful (until now) Latin America, opening a new string of bases in Colombia, calling air strikes and commando raids from the Horn of Africa to the Philippines, and helping America to sell more weapons to more countries than the whole rest of the world combined, to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. I guess the next thing is to give Colonel Sanders the Lifetime Vegetarian award." posted by Pete Karman, The Progressive, Oct. 9
4. "It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that the Iranians have the right to a peaceful nuclear program in their country:
1) They are signatories to the NPT, a treaty respected by the United Nations, itself an organization the US must respect. The NPT gives the Iranians an internationally regarded right to a program.
2) It is completely unacceptable that the US or Israel attempt to dictate to Iran (or any nation) the basic parameters of Iran's energy program. Iran has a basic right to decide its own domestic programs and to utilize natural resources found within its own boundaries. Or what's next, then? The Israelis are bothered that Iran processes iron ore into steel, from which it can fashion conventional weapons, so Iran cannot process iron upon threat of "crippling sanctions"? Iran cannot utilize its own water resources, as the Israelis believe that Iranians with water might be a threat to them?
The US administration must clearly and openly respect Iran's right to a nuclear program as outlined by the NPT. The concession that the Iranians made to process uranium outside of their boundaries is just that--a concession--and must be respected as the Iranians going out of their way to appease Israel and her US foil. For the US administration to simply declare that the Iranians have no right to decide their own energy program and utilize their own natural resources would be for the US to declare that even the most serious international treaties, laws and conventions are irrelevant when we deem them politically inconvenient.
What the United States must do is respect Iranian rights, move forward with the external processing provision in place, and demand that Israel declare its nuclear arsenal, sign the NPT and disarm. Israel's nuclear arsenal is one of the problems at the heart of the conflict, and the US will never be respected as an honest broker for peace if Israel is allowed to maintain a secret nuclear arsenal, while her neighbors are threatened with war if they so much as try to build a reactor. Seymour Friendly, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. The Nation, 10/08/2009
5. "I will worry about the mainstream press excluding reporting on sex after they cover, intelligently and fully, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, healthcare reform legislation, campaign finance reform (or lack thereof), the plight of urban areas, the impact of job loss... need I go on? " Jeanne Lang, Detroit, Mi. U.S.A., The Nation, 10/08/2009
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