Groucho Marx said it and most of us are still laughing...

"You better watch out when you’re walking down the street", says the man’s friend with a worried twitch, because there used to be a guy called Groucho Marx who warned that you might get the flu, or even worse, fall in love.
"You don’t say! So what’s the point?"
"Well, Groucho was a very wise fellow."
"Ok! Ok! But that’s not what I asked you!"
"Right. Groucho said when you are walking down the street you should be careful."
"What’s so original about that? Everybody knows the streets are filled with pick-pockets, thieves, rapists, assasins, even politicians."
"The point is that if you get the flu or fall in love you always end up in bed!"
"Here’s another one. Marx, who wasn’t exactly a marxist, said he knew hundreds of husbands who would come home happy as could be if they didn’t have a wife waiting for them at the door."
"Nowadays you might turn that around."
"You mean hundreds of wives would come home smiling from cheek to cheek if it weren’t that they each had a husband grumbling and rubbing his belly and twisting his eyeballs as if cross-eyed."
"Right. Times do change. That makes me think of Groucho’s other comment."
"Which one?"
"He said something like this: if it really were a good thing for a man to have a wife, why is it that God doesn’t have one?"
"That’s the million dollar question! But I think I’ve got the answer. Groucho said that marriage is the main cause of divorce!"
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Well listen to this: There are many things in life more important than money."
"Really? I can’t image what those things might be."
"The point is that those things are just too damn expensive!"
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