Missing persons, the ever present shadows

Buenos Aires is filled with vestiges...on its walls, abandoned buildings, sidewalks...this one, at Taquarí and Mexico streets, is a tribute to Carlos Lucantis, a Pluma worker nabbed and whisked away into oblivion on May 20, 1976. Yet another of the estimated 30,000 persons kidnapped and "disappeared" by the military Junta that grabbed power on March 24th of that same year. The victims were taken to "detention centers," a sort of euphemism for concentration camps, where they were subjected to abuse of all sorts. Some of those who died in captivity later appeared as "NN," unidentified corpses found in graveyards. Other prisoners were thrown from planes into the Rio de La Plata river basin. These actions were carried out in the context of the Junta's struggle against leftist and Peronist and other opponents of military rule. With the return to democracy in 1982, following the war over the Falkland islands, some of the top military leaders were brought to trial and jailed--later freed by presidential decree, then again subject to judicial action. Mothers, parents and relatives of missing persons are still claiming for their disappeared loved ones.
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marina lucantis -
A casi 32 años de su desaparición forzada, que no sea olvidada!