Buenos Aires Jaque Press, en inglés y español

Is Love Really Blind?

      They've said it for centuries, maybe even since the last Ice Age: love is blind. Is it really? A little bit yes, and a smack no. The scientific response to the love syndrone is to say that when you feel those butterflies buzzing about in your belly, and when you say "woh!" when you see her hips weave from side to side, or when you feel his rough beard sting your dainty cheek, it's because certain zones in your brain have been inhibited, preventing a more critical thinking pattern.

     As usual, you can back this up by studies, studies and more studies. Some of them indicate that the love bird also de-activates brain circuits responsible for negative feelings. So a strong emotional Romeo or Juliet attack prevents the neurons involved from carrying out a more critical evaluation of the situation. And you end up stressing the loved person's positive, rather than negative characteristics.

    Perhaps we could say that being in love is something like eating chocolates: a neuro-transmitter called dopamina is activated and leads you to want more and more and more. Until some unforseen conflict ocurrs. Then you end up singing: "Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it seems as though they're here to stay..."

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