Street cars still make history in San Francisco, a beautiful city whose homeless tell another story...

Like most other tourists, you can't avoid taking a ride on the street car, snapping pictures left and right and wondering at all those hovering new buildings that make downtown San Francisco look like a sort of renewed version of New York City. Then you get off to get a closer look at things.
"Hey man, not everyone lives in glass towers," says a homeless fellow selling "Street Sheet" for just a dollar donation.
"Here you are and good luck!" you say.
Over a nice hot coffee you skim over the back page where it says:
"When we began publishing the Street Sheet in 1989, we never imagined that homelessness would remain prevalent in our community, or that the response from City officials and the mainstream media would be so punitive. Our reasons for publishing the paper are the same today as they were at the inception of the project: the need still exists for perspectives on homelessness and poverty that go beyond the simplifications that appear in most news sources. "
The paper is put out with the help of the Coalition on Homelessness and has offices at 468 Turk street, San Francisco, Ca. Anyone interested it finding out more about the situation of the homeless in San Francisco may contact or write
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