"Go back home, we don't need you anymore!" A new mask, the same essence.

History is like an unfaithful lover: you never know how things are going to end until one day...Does anyone remember those days in school when the teacher taught you that the European countries brought civilization to backward areas of the world? Oh, by the way, and took back gold and silver and other needed raw materials to feed their "industrial revolution." Oh, and took back slaves to work cotton fields in the United States. Oh, and later on to do work nice middle class Europeans and Northamericans were not willing to do. Oh, and now all of a sudden there is an economic crisis, food shortage, oil prices sky high, the unending struggle for markets and, well, isn’t it convenient to blame someone? Who better than those immigrants who look different, have different beliefs and barely mumble the language?
According to the Centre for European Reform (reform?), lawyers and politicians are preparing the ground to expulse an estimated eight million immigrants who lack documents or work permits or who are unemployed. You read correctly. Eight million.
And talking your head off against foreign immigrants is just good marketing. Wasn’t that how rightwinger Nicolas Sarkozy got elected in France, or Silvio Berlusconi in Italy? Oh. While his wide smile was still tickling the edges of his mouth, Berlusconi promised to "close the borders and construct camps to identify the unemployed foreigners who have been forced into a life of crime."
That’s right. Blame the foreigner. Wasn’t that what happened in fascist Germany, when the finger was pointed at the Jewish population? Oh, if the question is violence the "underdeveloped" world has had its share...from the "developed" world: slavery, genocide, destruction of culture and religious santuaries...and now the great great grandsons go back to the colonizing countries to seek better living conditions and then are asked to go back where they came from...
It is a topsy-turvey world, isn’t it?
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