Is Bush getted Bushed by a former Bush spokesman?

His name is Scott Mcclellan and you probably remember him giving the White House reasons for invading Iraq. He is no longer sitting in a posh seat in Washington and has published his memoirs. Not very good news for the Republican presidential campaign, because he quite elegantly says that George Bush deceived the U.S. people in trying to convince them that the invasion of Iraq was to do away with those alleged weapons of mass destruction.
In his memoirs, McClellan appears to indicate that Bush was badly advised. Was that really the case? And then: why did Mcclellan wait so long to say what lots of people have suspected for years, in spite of the pro-war bombardment of the mass media?
Now with the bodies of dead soldiers still being loaded on planes, and hundreds of thousands of families in Iraq destroyed, with Washington justifying the use of physical and psychological abuse of prisoners to "save American lives," this issue has become a hot potatoe in the presidential campaign.
But...does anyone really believe a Democrat in the White House would do anything that different? Would the Democrats really withdraw from Iraq, as they seem to be hinting? And then, should another conflict arise somewhere else in the world, does the public have a guarantee that they will not also be assaulted with half truths to justify yet another "preventive war?"
(The pease demonstrators in the photograph appear to indicate that in the future it may not be very easy deceive the public.)
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