A tongue in the cheek, dancing cheek to cheek!

"Words, words, words," mutters Hamlet, a bit garbled by his own fantasies.
We might add: you’re right! We sure do get mixed up, tangled and upturned as we avail ourselves of words to express our inner impulses. We use them to seduce, to win over that special person; to sell; to delude and sidetrack a competitor; to confuse the police or the judges; to say black is white and white is black; to get the votes we need to take power; to justify the unjustifiable; to say going to war is saving the peace; to get innocent citizens to wag flags and invade other countries in the name of God or democracy or heaven or any other nice sounding phrase; to say that mistreating someone is for someone else’s own good...!!!
We collect words and phrases all of our lives and use pet phrases to avoid saying what we really think. And then we spend endless hours trying to explain to our couple, our superiors, our subordinates or our friends what we really wanted to say. In the process, believe it or not, we build up a new version of what we did, a new "truth" which we defend with clenched teeth. And so we go, endlessly seeking the truth, endlessly defending lies and endlessly trying to get others to forgive our own conscious or unconscious falsifications. Words, words, words. If only our bodies could speak!
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