Sometimes you feel as if the world were inside you...

There is an inside and an outside of existence that acts dialectically. but as one. So, when you read in the newspaper that some politician has made an abrupt about turn it should not surprise you. What was always inside is just popping to the surface and maybe it was really you who allowed yourself to be taken in by the fellow's sugar sweet phrases and promises of peace and understanding, when there was actually a war being prepared in his innermost parts. Who should we blame: him or you? The politician is doing his job, getting elected by making promises he knows he will never comply with, bending over to the pressures of big business, oil, the Pentagon, the weapons makers, those more interested in profit than in cleaning up the environment. Have you done your homework? Thought about why the world is always at war, why we progress at the expense of mother nature, why the poor are asked to pay the bill while the rich organize new ways to accumulate wealth?
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