Join the good bye Bush and say no to Bush Wars!

Lot’s of people all over the world are anxiously looking forward to one of the most longly awaited good bye parties in recent U.S. history, that of George Bush, who after some eight long years has begun to pack his bags and look for greener pastures. The date: Monday, January 19, 2009 at 11:59pm, at the White House. Oh, one of the most VIP guests will be a fellow by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, who--according to informed sources--will refurbish a few things at the presidential residency.
Facebook fans are already inviting persons from all over the world to this very special good-bye party. Not a few people all over the world have been looking forward to this event-- ever since Bush was elected in a vote whose authenticity is still subject to public discussion.
"Feel free to invite anyone you know for this massive, world wide celebration as we all wait for a new presidency that will hopefully end this error which was of having George W. Bush "elected" not just once, but twice," says one call circulating among Facebook fans.
We might add our hopes that the incumbent administration not consider "preventive wars" as an instrument of power, that the notion of "the means justify the ends" disappear from the public agenda and that embargos of "unfriendly countries" be discarded and mistreatment of prisoners be replaced by reinforcement of justice, democracy and equality for all independently of social class, religion, sex, or ethnic identity.
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