The Kiss! The Kiss!

The kiss! The kiss!
sets forces into motion:
creams, oils and lotion.
Yet of its destiny there is no notion.
Kissing is like drowning,
a little like clowning,
Never like frowning.
The kiss is a sound
that needs two around,
to confound and astound.
The kiss! The kiss!
it brings you bliss...
(f not done with a hiss,
as while taking a piss.)
Two pairs of moist lips
approach with no slips
Sorry! No more tips.
The kiss is extraordinary,
never ordinary,
A mood, a kind of food.
You kiss me, I kiss you.
Oh what else can we do
When there’s just me and you?
Kissing is a prelude
for any great dude;
Taboo for Alice the prude.
Kissing, my friends, is organic,
greater than the titanic
(unless you´re apt to panic).
The kiss! The kiss!
It's the name of bliss.
(Pardon me miss
It's just a kiss.)
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