A week of art in Buenos Aires at Graciela Borthwick's Casa de Arte

If you've got an inclination for the plastic arts, you would do well to drop by Graciela Borthwick's "CASA DE ARTE" any day from the 20th to the 26th of September, especially on 24th, when Gallery Nights opens exhibitions from 7 to 10 p.m. At Graciela's workshop, Carlos Calvo 518, you can take in a collection of her work, see the video "Hasta acá llegamos,una historia narrada para ser vista acerca de Florián Paucke," and--last but not least--hear Graciela talk about her book, "Graciela Borthwick 1968-2008.
If you are interested in getting more information about this very special Argentine artist, you might check out her web paga at http://www.gracielaborthwick.com.ar
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