Tea for two, a tale for you

The Hopkins Creative Language lab is preparing a tasty tea party, especially designed for those souls of imaginative spirit willing to read and act out stories...
The event, scheduled for April 21st at 2 p.m. in the cozy "Perro Andaluz" bar, located at 852 Bolivar street in Buenos Aires, features not only tea and biscuits but a copy of the recently published ELT reader "Tea for Two, a Tale for You" by Alfred Hopkins and Alicia Ramasco.
Alicia will present the book of tales, especially designed for teachers and learners of English. There will also be games, improvisations and exciting writing activities. For example, what story might you imagine if the only information you had was the the title?
The lucky participants will take home a copy of the book for the modest entrance ticket of just $25 pesos, although they might think about returning because the HCLL will be holding its annual applied drama workshop at the Perro Andaluz every Saturday at 2 p.m.
Bookings and information: 4334-1561 or 15 6252 1028. e-mail: alfshopkins@yahoo.com.ar
Oh! Just in case you oversleep, you might drop by the Owl Institute in Barracas at 7p.m., April 24th, for a repeat performance!
Oh...............just in case your English is a bit rusty, you might try our book of stories in Spanish, "Abriendo puertas, cerrando ventanas." Either book may also be purchased by mail via hopalfred@gmail.com or 15 6252 1028.
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