"To die, to sleep...perchance to dream! Aye there's the rub!"

º Professor Toni is dictating a theatre class. He is seated comfortably describing the exercise. You have to pin a photograph of yourself to the wall, then answer questions. There's Cecilia, Alfredo, Rubén, Bety. Alfred can't find a photo. First he wants to find a throw-away, but can't. Finally he comes across an enormous photograph: on the upper right corner you can see the brick roofs of what must be a small town in northwestern Argentina. In the middle background Machu-pichu. In the foreground a totem, with lots of eyes made of colored stones. Below that is Alfred's face and on his lower lip a dark hole or sore. Rubén has to use a ladder to find Alfred and is supposed to answer questions. Finally he uses a magnifying glass and discovers the hole on the lip. He is shocked, nearly falls but Alfred embraces him. They both hug each other and cry, while the professor continues to fire questions...
º The guy is a bit paranoic. He dashes into the train station, looking back over his shoulder. Some soldiers arrive, armed to the teeth. You can hear a sireen. The guy jumps straight up and...a fiery wheel begins to turn under his shoes, lifting him higher and higher, out of danger.
º Daddy and Mommy and the children go on a picknic to a forest. Everyone leaves. Junior falls asleep on the grass. All of a sudden the trees seem to move in on him. They are of all colors, yellow, green, red, blue, violet. They begin to surround him, as if they were soldiers. There is this horrible sensation of suffocation, a cry and the dream ends.
º He doesn't have a job so he buys "Clarin" and looks at the classified ads, calls, takes the train to Liniers. The place looks like a woman's most intimate part. There are two He-men at the door, naked except for some tight slips. "Iove come for the job" the guy says. "That way" says one of the He-men. The place looks like a tunnel. Some women approach, all naked, with enormous breasts flapping. The guy runs, the ladies almost press their bodies against him but in a desperate action he jumps towards a window and glides through the air to a swamp and drags his body up to a sort of tropical island.
º The school body has discovered how to fly: he goes to a rock or an elevated place, jumps and flaps his arms like a bird. Then he flies and glides with the feeling of complete freedom. Sometimes, though, he plays tricks on the other students, who cannot fly. One day, while they are on a field trip with their teacher, climbing a hill, he jumps off a rock, soars high, then swoops down upon the file of students, stealing their caps.
º He has to piss and rushes to the bathroom. An old lady, whose face is one mass of greyish wrinkles, is their waiting. She grabs his penis in her hands and directs the flow of piss towards the toilet.
º The poor fellow! He is really turned on. His erection is obscenely large and hard. He feels the body of a woman alonside him in the bed and begins the process of love making: instead of a woman it was some horrible beast that snaps and barks and is on the point of biting his penis when he wakes up shouting.
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