It's cold as Hell so why not drink a toddy and forget about what's going to happen?

You don’t know what it is. The radio says you should stay in bed. So do the newspapers. The web is burning out and your connection has gone bananas. Something is certainly going to happen. Better stay home and drink a hot tody. Pray to some unknown god. Make love to your childhood sex queen. Cross your fingers. Knock on wood, or on your own head. Is this the end? Why doesn’t she call? Does she love you or was it all a dream? Is there really a war out there or is it just the latest invention of the mass media? Will there be an attack? When, where, at what time? How can you protect yourself? Is it useless? Is this the end?
Is there a hacker breathing down your neck? Is Big Brother watching you? Why might he be upset? Everything seems to be going his way? Or is it the drugs, the traffikers. They’re into everything, aren’t they? Maybe they’ve put some of the stuff into your yogurt. Maybe that’s why you’re a bit fuzzy. That’s their tactic, isn’t it? Make you fuzzy, then do whatever they want, take your money, take your wife, take your life. But wait. You did your morning exercise. Yoga. Sheng. Tai-Chi. Karate. Your’re prepared for anything. Your paranoia certainly is based on something.You can’t figure out what it is. But you know there must be an answer. You are scientifically guided. You know there are always answers. Will you get them before you die?There must be an answer. Someone must know. What was that noise?
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